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We seek, wherever possible, to offer all visitors and users of the Cathedral equality of access.

  • Visitors can access the Cathedral via a sloping path through our garden. The entrance to this path is via a gate at the pavement end of the car park approach road. At present there is also limited access to a lift on request. Please ask a member of staff of arrival if you have additional accessibility needs.
  • Wheelchairs are available from the Security Office, which is located in the Cathedral car park.
  • A loop system is fitted in the Cathedral and in the Crypt Chapel.
  • Large type service sheets are available at Sunday services and all choral services and special services.

We want to make the Cathedral more welcoming and helpful, breaking down barriers which may have in the past excluded some people. We welcome the opinions and advice of people with problems of access and, where appropriate, their carers. We will try to offer appropriate support to anyone who has problems of access and to their families.

We have undertaken an access audit to identify barriers which prevent anyone from:

  • gaining physical access to the Cathedral and reaching all parts of the building.
  • being fully welcome and able to take a full part in services, groups and meetings.

As far as possible we intend to remove any remaining such barriers as resources permit.

We are offering appropriate training to Cathedral personnel to increase their awareness of the needs of people with problems of access, to help them to improve their care.

Updated July 2020.